Christian Statesmen: In the House of the Heroes
What was this House of the Heroes? Scholars are unsure. Some say it was a place for the mighty men and great warriors to refresh and re-arm. Others say it was more a place of monuments to the heroes of ages past. Yet, whatever the exact nature of this revered place, the fact that it stood directly across from David’s tomb and that it was restored hundreds of years after it was built, indicates that the people of God had learned to honor both the hero and the heroic in their midst.
By Keeping the Past Alive, Memorial Day Can Help Us Save the Future
Memorial Day is a profound American holiday because it connects the present with so many different points of our past. It was originally known as Decoration Day, a day set aside to honor those who lost their lives in the Civil War—America’s most costly war, taking the lives of at least 620,000 men.
Sex and the City of God
For Christians, it is no longer surprising that the most popular television series and movies receive acclaim precisely for their antagonism of Christian values. But it remains disappointing that our society so easily dismisses the Christian moral framework that undergirds our nation’s founding and has guided most citizens’ aspirations for centuries.
Christ the Cosmic King
I just think it’s so important in this hopeless age, where the effects of secularism are ubiquitous, to declare this message. But we have compartmentalized our faith, and thus, compartmentalized the gospel. The gospel has now become a message that tells me how I can get to heaven but does not tell me how it brings flourishing to society and how it extends God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
The Spiritual State of Our Union: A Call to Action
While I am certainly concerned with the political and socio-economic state of our union, I am even more deeply concerned with the spiritual state of our union. Surely, we cannot put our hope and trust in governmental powers alone to heal our land.