A War of Ethics: Heaven vs. Babylon
In the Bible, Babylon came to represent rebellion against God. Babylon’s ways are the ways of violence and bloodshed, but Christ calls us into his
In the Bible, Babylon came to represent rebellion against God. Babylon’s ways are the ways of violence and bloodshed, but Christ calls us into his
Pride Month is a religious festival that seeks to train us into unbiblical ways of living. How can you talk to your kids about Pride
With Roe v. Wade overturned by SCOTUS in the Dobbs decision, the abortion battle has been transformed. What should pro-life strategy be moving forward?
In this Q&A, Pastor Rob and Sean McDowell discuss challenges Christians face in engaging the culture in our current era.
Dr. K. Scott Oliphint discusses God’s revelation to all people in nature, and particularly in Christ. There is only way to God — the way
Dr. Brian Mattson discusses the cultural risks Christians face from both the left and the right, each of which reject the biblical worldview in unique
Dr. Al Mohler discusses the need for Christians to be conformed to Christ and not to the world, and to stand firm in an age
Dr. Tim Sansbury discusses the need for holiness in demonstrating the truthfulness of the gospel in a post-Christian age.
Apologist Sean McDowell discusses the concept of “your truth” and objective truth, why truth matters, and the hope of living according to the truth of
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