Core Program
The Institute for Faith & Culture’s Certificate Program is a multi-course/semester program with both core and elective courses taught by theologians, thought leaders, and Christian statesmen. Upon completion, students are issued a certificate of completion. Core course offerings are broken into three main categories: Biblical Knowledge, Biblical Competency, and Biblical Influence.
Synopsis: This course introduces students to the biblical story, exploring the Bible’s dramatic narrative in six Acts—Creation,
Fall, Israel, Jesus, Church, and Consummation. Students will grasp the Bible’s narrative coherence, begin to understand the contemporary Christian’s role in current history, and be equipped to share this story with their neighbors.
Synopsis: This course introduces students to the Christian worldview by tracing the contours of the Bible’s overarching narrative. Students will grasp the Bible’s narrative in a simplified worldview format, comprehend the implications of a Christian worldview for the many questions people ask about life in this world, and be equipped to apply the Christian worldview to life situations.
Synopsis: This course introduces students to the concept of “culture” and the Bible’s pervasive teachings about the Christian’s role in culture. It builds an overall theology of culture and applies that theology to various spheres of culture: marriage and family, art and literature, science and technology, business and entrepreneurship, government and politics, sports and entertainment, scholarship and education.
Synopsis: This course introduces students to the defining features of our “secular” age and to the reasons secular people have hesitations about Christianity. They gain a grasp of the main questions asked about Christianity and are equipped to answer those questions convincingly and persuasively.
Synopsis: This course introduces students to a Christian’s various vocations (callings). They gain a grasp of each Christian’s callings—family, church, workplace, community—and are equipped to live their callings faithfully and in a way that influences the surrounding culture.
Synopsis: This course introduces students to Christian teaching about the sphere of politics and public life. They gain a grasp of the main features of political engagement and are equipped to be faithful witnesses in the public square.
(Prerequisite: “Christian Worldview and the Biblical Story”)
Synopsis: This course introduces students to historic Christianity by exploring its core doctrines. Students will grasp the Bible’s systematic coherence and be equipped to apply the Bible’s teachings to everyday life.
Synopsis: The student will demonstrate a firm grasp of the Bible’s teaching on leadership; (2) investigate core biblical texts and biblical exemplars with respect to leadership; (3) and explore the variety of ways they, personally, can practice leadership in their families, workplaces, and communities.
Synopsis: Throughout the year, other elective courses will be offered on a variety of topics.