Equipping Christians for this cultural moment through:

Worldview Training
Leadership Development Resources


Advancing the Kingdom of God, on Earth as it is in Heaven.



Equipping Christians for this cultural moment through:

Worldview Training

Leadership Development Resources

Connecting Believers


Advancing the Kingdom of God, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Advancing the Kingdom of God, On Earth as it is in Heaven

The work and the life of the Church is an extension of the Mission of God in the world. As believers, we are all called to engage and transform culture for His Kingdom in every sphere (i.e. the marketplace, education, the arts, and the public square). Despite this clear call, there is a on-going void in an intentional response from the Church.

In each generation, the Church is faced with the challenge of engaging faithfully with the culture around them. Many approaches have been taken…retreating from culture, critiquing culture, even embracing culture. In each of these attempts, the church reacts to culture ultimately dictates the terms of the conversation while setting shifting the standards for further engagement. The impact this reactive approach is having on the Church is staggering. In North America, 72% of youth who grow up in the Church will walk away from the faith by Thanksgiving their freshman year of college. If trends continue, they are predicting that 35 million youth raised in Christian households may walk away from a life with Jesus Christ by the year 2050.

The Church needs to respond now by equipping culture-shaping Christians for the marketplace and the public square; the common spaces in any society where ideas are formed, values are defined, and culture is ultimately shaped. The Church needs totrain and shape disciples by helping them form a biblical worldview.

Advancing the Kingdom of God, On Earth as it is in Heaven

The work and the life of the Church is an extension of the Mission of God in the world. As believers, we are all called to engage and transform culture for His Kingdom in every sphere (i.e. the marketplace, education, the arts, and the public square). Despite this clear call, there is an on-going void in an intentional response from the Church.

In each generation, the Church is faced with the challenge of engaging faithfully with the culture around them. Many approaches have been taken…retreating from culture, critiquing culture, even embracing culture. In each of these attempts, the church reacts to culture and ultimately dictates the terms of the conversation while shifting the standards for further engagement. The impact this reactive approach is having on the Church is staggering. In North America, 72% of youth who grow up in the Church will walk away from the faith by Thanksgiving their freshman year of college. If trends continue, they are predicting that 35 million youth raised in Christian households may walk away from a life with Jesus Christ by the year 2050.

The Church needs to respond now by equipping culture-shaping Christians for the marketplace and the public square; the common spaces in any society where ideas are formed, values are defined, and culture is ultimately shaped. The Church needs to train and shape disciples by helping them form a biblical worldview.

what we offer

In partnership with the Center for Christian Statesmanship we will:

  • Host conferences and seminars that focus on the importance and the integration of faith and politics.
  • Conduct onsite and online leadership training, designed to equip the next generation of Christian leaders in government.
  • Sponsor forums and resources that bring awareness to the public policy issues concerning the Faith Community. This would be done at the local, state, and national levels.
  • Three-month college internship for Christian students lookingto make an impact outside of traditional ministry.
  • Nine-month graduate fellowship, teaching young leaders how to live a public faith in their career and beyond.
  • Classes preparing youth how to live out their Christianfaith on a college campus.
  • Conducting research on the state of culture and the church, equipping leaders to better engage in the marketplace and public square.
  • Produce digital and print resources, aimed at equipping believers and enabling them to engage the broader culture
  • Weekly production of the City of God Podcast, a podcast dedicated to helping Christians navigate current eventsfrom a biblical worldview.
  • Production of timely videos on culturally relevant topics(ie., social justice, abortion legislation, the Defund the Police movement, the nuclear family) to be distributed on various social media channels to reach the next generation around the nation.

what we offer

In partnership with the Center for Christian Statesmanship we will:

  • Host conferences and seminars that focus on the importance and the integration of faith and politics.
  • Conduct onsite and online leadership training, designed to equip the next generation of Christian leaders in government.
  • Sponsor forums and resources that bring awareness to the public policy issues concerning the Faith Community. This would be done at the local, state, and national levels.
  • Three-month college internship for Christian students lookingto make an impact outside of traditional ministry.
  • Nine-month graduate fellowship, teaching young leaders how to live a public faith in their career and beyond.
  • Classes preparing youth how to live out their Christianfaith on a college campus.
  • Conducting research on the state of culture and the church, equipping leaders to better engage in the marketplace and public square.
  • Produce digital and print resources, aimed at equipping believers and enabling them to engage the broader culture
  • Weekly production of the City of God Podcast, a podcast dedicated to helping Christians navigate current eventsfrom a biblical worldview.
  • Production of timely videos on culturally relevant topics(ie., social justice, abortion legislation, the Defund the Police movement, the nuclear family) to be distributed on various social media channels to reach the next generation around the nation.

our values

All Scripture is inspired by God and therefore authoritative for a Christian’s life. In Christian Scripture, we are given the wisdom we need for faithful living, not only for our private lives but also for our public endeavors.

The gospel is the good news that Jesus died and rose again for the forgiveness of sins and eventual restoration of the whole world. It unifies Christians, motivates us to love God and neighbor, and affects every facet of our lives.

The church is God’s chosen medium through which he loves the world. As an institution, it meets weekly to declare that Jesus is Lord and to disciple its members. As an organism, the church’s

members disperse as witnesses to the world through the private and public aspects of their lives.

God created man and woman to manage and cultivate his good creation. We do so by being faithful in various facets of culture such as marriage and family, art and science, sports and competition, business and entrepreneurship, government and politics, and scholarship and education. When we allow the gospel to redeem and redirect our cultural activities, we are expressing our love to God and our neighbor.

God created human beings to work, so our efforts in the workplace have deep meaning and profound dignity. When we allow the gospel to redeem and redirect our workplace efforts, we are expressing love to God and our neighbors.

The Institute is committed to equipping men and women with a biblically informed view of the world that shapes all of life.


 The Institute for Faith & Culture invites you to participate in our National Student Essay Contest, an exciting opportunity to reflect on
“The Mind of Christ in Our Secular Age.”

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