The Gnostic West: Ancient Heresy and the Contemporary Western Worldview (Pt. 2)
The modern West has embraced the ancient Gnostic heresy. We have made ourselves to be god and believe true fulfillment only comes from living out
The modern West has embraced the ancient Gnostic heresy. We have made ourselves to be god and believe true fulfillment only comes from living out
It is the Christian religion which is responsible for the greatest educational development in the world. But we have squandered our inheritance.
Most westerners today have embraced the ancient heresy of Gnosticism without even realizing it.
Millions of parents are removing their children from public schools as test scores decline, and political and sexual indoctrination rises. We must radically reform education.
Coral Ridge Family Ministries welcomed Hillary Morgan Ferrer, the founder of Mama Bear Apologetics, to discuss “Biblical Sexuality” and how to empower children to live
The story of Jonah can tell us a great deal about how to engage with culture as Christians. May we go into the world with
Pride Month is a religious festival that seeks to train us into unbiblical ways of living. How can you talk to your kids about Pride
With Roe v. Wade overturned by SCOTUS in the Dobbs decision, the abortion battle has been transformed. What should pro-life strategy be moving forward?
In this Q&A, Pastor Rob and Dr. Carol Swain discusses her upbringing and the current cultural upheaval being caused by Marxist Critical Race Theory.
The Institute for Faith & Culture invites you to participate in our National Student Essay Contest, an exciting opportunity to reflect on
“The Mind of Christ in Our Secular Age.”
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