The Grand Designer of the Cosmos
The heavens declare the glory of God and modern science developed because men sought to understand the world God created, in hopes of understanding God’s
The heavens declare the glory of God and modern science developed because men sought to understand the world God created, in hopes of understanding God’s
Sin makes us monstrous. When sin dominates in a society, it makes nations into beasts as well. But God is taking dominion over every beast—nations
President Biden’s choice to celebrate Resurrection Sunday as the Transgender Day of Visibility elevates the counterfeit worship of gender and sexuality.
In worship, we declare Jesus’ kingship. When we assemble with other believers, we are participating in a profoundly political gathering.
Life is on the ballot in November. But this is about more than just policy. I want to offer hope to women facing an unwanted
Andrew Klavan, in his recent attempts to defend Ben Shapiro, has inadvertently contradicted everything the New Testament says about salvation.
An 82-year-old woman is now taking steps to sue her local YMCA for banning her from its facilities and triggering “mob-like attacks, public humiliation, and
Ask any American who remembers what life was like twenty-five or more years ago, and he or she is likely to say that in the
President Trump has faced criticism for his recent venture of selling MAGA-endorsed Bibles. While I probably would have advised him against it due to potential
The Institute for Faith & Culture invites you to participate in our National Student Essay Contest, an exciting opportunity to reflect on
“The Mind of Christ in Our Secular Age.”
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