Mission and Transformational Leadership
The most significant element of any organization is always its mission. Without a clear mission, no one can hope to achieve their goals.
The most significant element of any organization is always its mission. Without a clear mission, no one can hope to achieve their goals.
Sin causes us to forget who we are and who God is. Arlington whispers, “Duty, Honor, Sacrifice.” These memorial stones remind us of our calling.
Education is a vast topic with its form, substance, and aims, and most of us think about education in terms of schooling. Virtually all of
Christians ought to tend our worldview on a regular basis. The apostle Paul reminds us of this as he writes in Colossians 2: “…see to
All truth is God’s truth … and Christian schooling is essential and ultimately beneficial to the common good because, in the sovereignty of God, there
Worldview has often been described as a lens, a set of presuppositions, or a framework of beliefs. While related to theology, philosophy, politics and ideology,
The Institute for Faith & Culture invites you to participate in our National Student Essay Contest, an exciting opportunity to reflect on
“The Mind of Christ in Our Secular Age.”
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