In a True Vote Count, Trump Will Win in a Landslide
This election will see voting irregularities. But the last four years of chaos has shown the American people that we must change the course of
This election will see voting irregularities. But the last four years of chaos has shown the American people that we must change the course of
Americans have been demoralized by a corrupt elite. But the United States is unique among all nations and Americans should be proud and invigorated by
America was built by courageous individuals who acted upon biblical principles. To save America, Christians must get involved at every level of our society.
Biblical principles result in free people and free markets that build stronger communities. Socialism destroys human flourishing.
Ask any American who remembers what life was like twenty-five or more years ago, and he or she is likely to say that in the
From the beginning of recorded history, mankind has suffered abuse, injustice, wars, and genocides. In response, people sought refuge, solace, and meaning by turning to
Outsiders often have more and better insights on societies and countries than native people. Such was the case with Alexis de Tocqueville, a Frenchman who
We are at a crisis inflection point in our present and future. And while evil encircles us on every side and at every level, the
The Thanksgiving holiday, which commemorates one part of the Pilgrim story, remains the favorite holiday for many Americans—and for good reasons beyond enjoying a feast.
The Institute for Faith & Culture invites you to participate in our National Student Essay Contest, an exciting opportunity to reflect on
“The Mind of Christ in Our Secular Age.”
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